1. Pick Up After the Dog
Plastic produce bags work great as dog waste bags. Simply grab one the next time you take Rover for a walk. (If you’re thinking about skipping the plastic produce bags at the store altogether, here’s why that’s not a good idea.)

2. Reuse Them at the Farmers Market
Save your plastic produce bags to reuse at the farmers market. That way your farmers market tote stays nice and clean; and your farm-fresh bounty is safely wrapped up in separate bags.

3. Wrap Your Shoes
There’s dirt and bacteria on the bottom of your shoes, and when you place them in your luggage, all that gunk can get on your clean clothes and other items. Here’s the solution: Before you pack your shoes, wrap them in a produce bag.

4.Store Fresh Herbs
The best way to store fresh herbs like parsley and cilantro is to place the ends in a small vase with water, and then put them in the fridge. But home refrigerators are notoriously dry places. To prevent your herbs from drying out, tie a produce bag around the top of the bunch to trap humidity.

5. Cover Leftovers
Most people store leftovers in Tupperware, or cover them in foil; but when you’re in a pinch, a produce bag works. Simply wrap your plate of food in a plastic produce bag and leave it in the fridge. You’re not creating extra waste, you don’t have to clean an extra dish and your leftovers will be just as tasty.

6. Line a Small Trash Can
You can buy small trash can liners for your bathroom trash cans; but a produce bag works just as well. Store your produce bags with the other trash bags, and use as needed. (Psst! Here are some reusable items that will save you money and help the environment.)

7. Take Out Smelly Diapers
If you have a baby or toddler, keep some plastic produce bags near the changing table. When it’s time to dispose of a smelly diaper, simply place it in a produce bag for easy transfer to the outdoor garbage can.

8. Keep Your Car Clean
Keep a few produce bags in the glove compartment of your car. Then when the kids leave snack wrappers or other trash starts to accumulate, you can clean it up quickly by throwing it in a produce bag. (Avoid throwing out straws by using these alternatives to plastic straws.)

9. Protect Paint Brushes
If you’re working on a paint project and need to take a break, wrap your paintbrush in a produce bag. This will keep your brush wet and ready to use again so you can skip the step of rinsing out the brush and waiting for it to dry.