Overall Guide Of Polythene sheeting: Common Applications (Part 2)

With its versatility, durability and cost-effectiveness, Polythene sheeting has become indispensable in industries. Some of its main applications include:

Protective Covers

In painting, storage, transportation and other such activities, polythene sheets are useful to envelop objects and shield them. Thanks to the waterproof and chemically inert nature, which makes it ideal as a protective enclosure. For instance, people often wrap furniture in polythene sheets for storage or transportation.

Clear plastic sheeting - Preservation Equipment Ltd


With a mulch shape, it prevents weed growth and conserve moisture in crop fields. Farmers install transparent polythene sheetings in greenhouses to capture sunlight. At the same time, it prevents the entry of pests. Silage and/or bales are also wrapped in polythene sheeting to prevent damage.



In the construction sector, it is extensively utilized for damp-proofing, vapor barrier and temporary roofing purposes. Heavy duty polythene sheets laid below foundations prevent moisture seepage into buildings. Also, they are good at sealing off rooms during renovations or repairs.

Reinforced Plastic Sheeting | 6 & 10 Mil Plastic Sheeting - PDQuipment


As usual, Polythene sheeting roll provides a wide range of product storage. Including foods, consumer goods, industrial equipment, medical fluids and gasses and more. 

Environmental Protection

Polythene sheets containing UV stabilizers. Hence, it is enable to envelop water bodies, quarries, landfill sites and other locations.  With the purpose of preventing contamination and environmental damage. Specially, it prevents toxins and pollutants from leaching into water and soil.

In a word, Polythene sheeting is an indispensable plastic material finding widespread use in our daily lives. If you are looking for High Quality Poly Sheeting, visit our Website/Alibaba. Or reach out to us via info@hanpak.com.vn or + 84 898 545 893 for the best service.

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