Reusable non-woven bags are now widely used in the market. You can easily see a person carrying a non-woven bag with a certain brand’s logo printed on the street. This is also the product that many businesses are choosing to use, so why are non-woven fabric bags the preferred choice? What are the benefits of non-woven shopping bags for businesses? Please refer to the information below:
Quality of reusable non-woven shopping bags
Reusable non-woven shopping bags are the most commonly used bags today. Bags are made from Polypropylene (PP) materials, through modern production processes to create products of the best quality. Although industrially produced from PP plastic, non-woven fabric bags are not toxic and are very safe for users.
The bag is made of coarse fabric, which is durable, odorless and tasteless, so it does not affect the health of the user. Customers can completely rest assured when using non-woven bags to store shopping items. Besides, this material can completely decompose quickly in the natural environment in about 5 years.
The colors of non-woven fabric bags are all made from natural ingredients, do not fade and color evenly. The fabric is also easy to print, so it is completely recognizable, this is a convenient and highly safe product for users and the environment.
The benefits of non-woven shopping bags for businesses
At the present time, most plastic products are gradually being replaced by other products that are better reused and safe for the environment. Therefore, reusable non-woven bags are very interested and used by consumers and businesses because of the advantages they bring:
Degradable – Environmentally friendly
This is the biggest plus point of reusable non-woven bags. The bag has the ability to help protect the environment very well, decomposes quickly to avoid causing pressure on the natural environment.
Currently, non-woven fabrics are known to be very durable, strong and capable of completely decomposing in nature into humus, water, and CO2. Say this to distinguish the extremely serious harm of plastic bags. Plastic bags take 500-1000 years to decompose, causing water pollution, garbage pollution, marine pollution, now, non-woven bags are the most perfect solution. bring the environment to green space.
Not only stopping there, but the ability also to reuse many times has become a plus point of non-woven bags. The use of non-woven bags for Tet gifts can ensure that they can be reused many times. Therefore, the amount of waste discharged into the environment is also greatly reduced. At a time when everyone is concerned about environmental protection, non-woven bags have become the perfect choice for businesses and business units.